snow, yea snow.

Feb 09, 2010 05:51

I really don't like to wear boots.
I saw TBF (the boyfriend) yesterday and he got me a game. I dusted off the ol' ds shuffled some game cards around and pushed it in. I like puzzles. This game is FULL of puzzles. These are hard puzzles. The games is called Professor Layton and the mysterious village. So I was up later then I would have liked, but on the plus side I slept right through.
When I work I have trouble sleeping through the night so I take a quarter of a sleeping pill (any more and I won't be waking up, I will be knocked out!).
TBF is leaving on Monday and it's likely I won't see him again for another 2 years at least. oh well.
Cap is this weekend, and I am kinda looking forward to it.
I got a new computer keyboard from my friend Liz yesterday as she got a new Mac desktop and the family hated the tiny keyboard. I said I would take it as I was tired of my MS one that is about 2 feet long. Sadly the chord is not as long and my hands are starting to hurt due to the cramped typing. :(

Things to do:
Wash hair
take out the recycling

I know! I'll drink Kombucha!
I am low on funds and I am worried that I will be super broke until Friday, so I had been thinking of food options.
Well that's solved. Now to shower then play in the snow.
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