ok, sleep is nice

Apr 09, 2007 05:15

I have been sleeping. It has been trumping other things, like writing this damn thing for my class on tuesday.
But it's so nice. I miss sleep.
I hope everyone had a nice Zomibe Jesus day. Mines went ok. I had to go to work, it was a light day. I got just about everything I had brought with me done (except the hw) and went to see my dad. He finally got his birthday present (from January) and I showed him my grades from last sememster.
We talked a lot. I was trying to explain to him about how I viewed my life in terms of work and school. He constantly grates on my nerves when it comes to "so what are you studing now.." bit. Not everyone has been fortunate to know out of high school what they wanted to do with there life.
It was circular and led no where.
I don't get fustrated with these conversations cause 1 I can actually speak to him. My dad was always scary and very intimitating, and to be able to talk to him (even if I convey nothing) is something. And 2 I don't have any regrets on how I have been living my life. I have to wake up to myself every morning and face myself. I've enjoyed my life and all the mistakes I've made along the way.
So what if I am getting old :/

So I have fucked up! With March being the timetable of hell, I completely forgot to get fitted for my cap and gown. So Now I have pray that I can order one and have it shipped in time for graduation.
I also need to get my hair done as picture day is tomorrow.
Well time for moring activities.
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