Episode: tale of the missing pants part two (arc episodes)

Sep 19, 2005 15:07

Well after 3 different people and three different days, my pants are still missing.
But there may be light in the tunnel. It is said there was a wedding for some of the people in the building and that my pants may be mixed up in the furry of presents they recived. Hopefully by tonight I will be able to end this minor story with a happy ending.

Other news, I have been sick. Just your minor cold, but it still made me very tired and less then thrilled about my current work situation. The hours I am working is insane, an thus my body on is core level is telling me to stop it. So I am reveiwing my options as well as trying to find new avenues of funding.

This week I am trying to get back on my self imposed death march, that is the school/work load. It is hard, but hopefully in the end these slings and arrows I am recieving will end in a good report card.
speaking of arrows,
Saturday I went to the last open outdoor event with the Lincoln Park Archery Club at Belmont harbor. My bow and me did ok until the whinner in me complained that my hands were hurting and such. I watch other with there types of bows and learned a bit more about Archery in general. I relized (and still feeling) that I need to work on my upper body as my pulling arm is a bit sore from all the work it's not use to doing.

It's 3 oclock now and I should be doing something like slacking off or something.
time to go.

money, pants, archery, work, school

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