like endless rain into a paper cup

May 06, 2009 13:56

Those people on the internet who said they used a wire brush to remove grout from their tile were either lying or have a very different type of grout. I've spent a fair amount of quality time with the Dremel on the bathroom floor, and it's taking WAY too long. It gives me kind of a sick satisfaction to see tile after tile freed from the grout gone wrong, though. About four more hours and I'll be done... makes me wonder if a sledgehammer and a complete re-tile would make more sense than just re-grouting.

The local public schools are out this week due to Swine!Flu! and so the neighborhood kids have been ringing my doorbell at least once an hour to see if Max & Khai are home yet. I keep explaining that their school didn't get shut down (yay, private school!!) but that they will be home a little after 3:00. So now they are ringing the doorbell to ask me what time it is. Is it three yet? When will it be three? I'm glad the boys have so many friends in the neighborhood. Wish they all had watches. :)

My parents get home from their whirlwind tour of Italy and England on Friday... I can't wait to hear their stories and see the pictures! Also, I look forward to not compulsively figuring what time it is in that part of the world every time I look at a clock.

Things I like: xkcd, this way too expensive hoodie from Prairie Underground, the Dremel, and my husband. We've been together TEN YEARS as of tomorrow. Mind-boggling.
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family, daily life

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