Sunday, part 1

Nov 11, 2007 23:22

Could tomorrow be Sunday, Part 2? Please? I'm not ready for Josh to go back to Chicago, not ready to get the week started, not ready for Monday. The week ahead is very busy and right now sleeping through it seems to be the only option that makes sense.

Today I actually get some things done. The lawn has been mowed, blueberry-vanilla scones made, groceries bought, laundry and dishes done, children fed, read to and bathed... and some other stuff that I've already forgotten.

Max and Khai really want a Wii and have decided to ask Santa for one. I let them know that Santa understands why I don't think they need one... but Khai turned on the drama and told me how very sad he will be if Santa does not bring him a Wii for Christmas. It's not fair! They are totally playing me and IT IS WORKING! I am such a sap and don't want sad kids. But I don't think they need a Wii, either-- they have their computer and their DSs. If I say no, I feel bad... if I say yes, they get something (expensive) that they don't need. I have to hold my ground on this. Even if I do feel guilty for making them sad.
originally posted at

kids, life

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