Eight hours of sleep and a triple-grande soy latte have made for a super-productive day. It's also the first day in over a week that I've not had a headache, so of course that makes it easier to deal with life, errands, kids, everything. I even took both boys grocery shopping and made it out alive and in a good mood. Amazing! I should probably buy a lottery ticket-- it's obvious that the stars are aligned in my favor.
Yesterday I wrote about how Josh and I packed up the boys on Friday and went to Shreveport so we could see my
Uncle Mike's photography show. Only, before I posted, I managed to close my browser window-- poof! Gone! I was too frustrated to write it all out again, so I went to bed instead. The quick and dirty version: we all enjoyed the show-- it had been aaaaaaaages since I'd been in a gallery. I've missed that environment. It was neat to see several of Mike's photos IRL-- most of them are on
Flickr, but there's just something about being up-close and personal. The other photographer exhibiting,
Charles Goldthwaite, also had some great pictures. We spent some Quality Time with the
family-- mom and dad flew in from New Mexico-- and then headed home on Saturday. The torrential rains magically transformed the four-hour drive into a nearly six-hour drive-- really, people, do you have to stop and gawk every time someone pulls to the side of the road? Are you aware that there's an entire highway behind you? I was a little tense by the time we arrived home. And by a little tense, I mean ready to pick up my house and throw it at the drivers who even dare to slow down to glance at something happening on the roadside. I'm all better now, though, thanks for asking.
Khai is currently wearing only swimming trunks, a joker-style ski hat and gloves. I can't find the camera. Josh! Where's the camera?!?!?! Where?!?!?
I need to buy new running shoes. Not that I'll actually be running, but I will be joining the gym soon. Any recommendations? Brands? Places to buy? I'm excited-- two hours of free babysitting per day. Woooohooo!!! Oh yeah, and there's the part where it's good for my body, too.
I turn 31 in one week. That's just strange.