1. Favourite scent: Coffee, though not coffee breath. Chocolate breath, OTOH, is just fine.
2. Favourite way to relax: Relax? What? I seriously can't think of an answer.
3. Favourite movie you own: Wow.
Time Bandits? Dunno. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim.
4. Favourite movie you don't already own: On the beach, which is your favorite speck of sand?
5. Favourite male movie star: Kevin Spacey, maybe. Or Kevin Kline.
6. Favourite female movie star: Dame Judi Densch. Maybe. This is hard.
7. Favourite book genre: sci-fi
8. Favourite clothing store: NY&CO, because they always have tall pants.
9. Favourite non-clothing store: Half/Price Books
10. Favourite cartoon character: Ed from Cowboy Bebop (I want a data dog too)
11. Favourite CD you own: possibly Author Unknown by Jason Falkner
12. Favourite CD you don't already own: Tapestry by Carole King
13. Pass the torch to five of your LJ friends (if you guys are so inclined):
n3m3sis42 p.s.
Josh is home. YAY!