Jun 23, 2007 18:57
okay for fuck's sake people.
yes it really is a contest where you take people at face value and then from there derive many many topics to start a blog war with by slamming all the contestants. heck, and i thought the forum was a little silent. the shrapnel is everywhere else! do they REALLY think we take ourselves seriously with the label "butch"?
butch by the standards here mean you have to go all out and be as masculine as possible. short hair baggy pants and multiple piercings and mandatory tongue stud. it's all an attitude. like how we tell someone to "butch up" and not be so pansy. but no, someone actually put up a "Guide To Being Butch" step by step. WTF. we're there for FUN. looking at the prizes on offer do you really think we CARE? i for one have never binded a day in my life and i wear a sports bra only when necessary. so if you are to go on about "hey i can still see your boobs" go right ahead and make my day. this ignorance annoys me. you really think claire is strolling in with long hair and make up and expecting the whole world to believe she is butch? funny thing is, you guys do! although you're thinking what-the-fuck-kind-of-butch-is-that, we got people thinking she's all out to win with a dick name like Calvin. if i were hard up the name would be "jay" or "robin" or "TJ" or some other lumberjack name already.
whatever happened to doing things in the name of fun. people are so much more judgemental than i thought they'd be. and judgemental is bad enough but stupidity?
we understand that as contestants we're gonna have to get used to flaming and sure we do. but we're really shocked at how stupid some people can get.
you don't know everything, you don't know us. it's obnoxious to think you do.