So the braintrust at
Blastr have declared Steampunk dead because of Bieber's new video.
Forgive me for not preparing a eulogy for the trend on the word of an online rag powered by SyFy. Especially since that network has proven time and time again how far from the pulse they truly are in fandom with their Fox-like tendency to kill off fan favorites in favour of more insipid "reality tv" and pro-wrestling.
Bieber trying to latch onto the coat-tails of the trend has as little chance of causing Steampunk's death knell as did "Panic at the Disco" and their attempt. (- I refuse to comment on T-Pain's steampunk foray since Robert designed the outfit. -)
Thinking Steampunk can't survive this and the other insipid latch-ons is as silly as believing Cyberpunk was dead after Billy Idol's "Shock to the System".
The only thing we have to worry about Bieber is the little known fact that he's part of
Davie Jone's Army,