Aug 26, 2005 05:09
While smoking half of my last cigerette and watching the remaining days of summer pass by in what seems a long flash I realize how much I don't miss. I'm glad that this band has some where other than an apartment to practice in and maybe tuesday we'll all be in the same room. I'm liking this whole online bookshop thing. School starts monday but I don't really want to go. There's really no point. I don't think I'll ever finish. Past couple of days have been really interesting. As Joe would put it two birds with one stone. I've made a list of things I want to do before the year is out, but funny thing about my lists they never get done:
1. Learn to fake it
2. Move out
3. Hammer my chest shut
4. Attend 99$ of my classes
5. Pass my classes
6. Get a J-o-b
7. Practice more
8. Get rid of useless junk I have
9. Paint more
10. write more
Not wanting and still wasting away.
How to die when you've already died before.