Why is it I can never sleep Thursday nights? I didn't wake up that much later than I do Mon-Wed. IIRC, I went to sleep around 3AM Mon-Wed, yet here it is 3AM & I'm just starting to feel slightly tired. Last Thursday night I went to bed earlier, but couldn't actually sleep. Between the amount of time it took me to finally fall asleep & the number of times I woke up, I doubt I got more than a couple hours sleep total.
I'm in trouble at work again for something similar to what happened
in October. I really don't feel it was my fault this time. I didn't slack off, I just ran into technical hurdles. Now they're writing me up & they said if the same thing or anything similar happened again, I would face disciplinary action possibly as serious as dismissal. I would prefer to be in a new job by the time that 12-week cycle repeats (it's a once-a-quarter/semester task that's biting me).
Then as soon as my supervisor finished talking to me about my failure, the very next sentence started him asking me to write up a script to fix a problem for him. The only pause was "ok, shake that off and...". My job description says nothing about doing that kind of stuff, but you can bet it will be in my resume. For those that don't know, scripts are basically task-specific mini-programs of a sort. It's the kind of stuff I'll be doing if I ever manage to become a Sysadmin when I grow up. Sysadmins make way more money than what these asses are paying me. Though at this point I'm prepared to take the same job with the same pay somewhere else, if that's what it takes to get out.
There's been 2 things keeping me there for a while that are almost taken care of. We were an employee short & finally hired someone 2 weeks ago. My manager is taking 2 weeks vacation after his wife has her baby & I'll need to help cover shifts. She's due soon, so that will be taken care of. I realize I didn't have to stay, but I have few/no problems with my manager & I don't want to put him in a bad spot.
A couple weekends ago, I taught all the classes at Kung Fu while my instructor was out of town. It went well. Everyone was well behaved & I had help. I found out tonight Sifu will be out of town Mar 13 & he wants me to cover again. That's a Monday & I normally work that evening, but I'm going to see what I can do.
There's a rank test Mar 11 & I've already been invited. I'm not sure if I'll have all the Green Advanced material by then, I just started the form (Stature of the Crane) last week. I just got the first Shaolin Defense combination last week & have 1 more to learn. Learning the moves to a defense combination isn't necessarily difficult, but there's lots of little nuances to them. There's defense combinations from the beginning of my training that I'm still perfecting.
Well, I really need to try to get some sleep.