(no subject)

Dec 01, 2008 14:29

Haven't updated in forever so here it goes...

Tad and I moved from Tigard to Oregon City.  I love our new house so much.  There are cows next door.  I love cows, except when they moo really loud at 4 in the morning.  That is the scariest noise to wake up to.  Our house is a whole story smaller but I am very thankful of that.  Less cleaning.  The only bad thing is that the ping pong table doesn't really fit anywhere.  The Tigard house got sold too, so we dont ever have to go back there.  No more driving down that big hill thank god, I wrecked my baby trucky (again) the day after my birthday on that hill.  My tires locked up when I put thebrake on and I slid down the hill into another truck.  So now I am driving  Tads big truck and my baby truck is getting fixed.  Tad told me I am not allowed to drive it anymore though ha ha.  I think my truck has 9 lives like a kitty.

Speaking of a kitty.  When we first moved in I heard a baby meowing one night.  It made me sad because it sounded scared and we have coyotes and I didnt want it to get eaten.  So I go outside and dont find anything.  Later that week I heard it again and still never found a kitty.  Tad thought it might be a baby raccoon or possom so I kinda wrote it off.  Then one day like 2 weeks ago titan is staring out the balcony window and he is whining and crying and its driving me nuts.  Well he is staring at the baby kitty that is sitting in the driveway of the house that is being built.  I go out and try to get it and it runs away.  Then a few days later he is freaking out again and I look and the kitty is in our drive way.  I go out and slowly try to walk up to it.  It is TINY, and very sick and wet and basically broke my heart.  It ran away agian, I still couldnt catch it.  So that night I put out some canned dog food (I dont have cats, so thats all I had) and in the morning it was completely gone.  I knew kitty ate it.  So i go steal cat food from my parents house and start leaving it for the kitty.  Then last Tuesday night Tad and I are coming home and I go put food for it in this unfinished houses garage where I saw the kitty earlier and guess who is sitting in there waiting.  My babykitty!  Tad was following me with a flashlight and we scare it into a box.  I reach down and grab it expecting to get my hand shredded but it doesnt do anything.  This kitty is so weak that it can barely hiss and is soaking wet and when I pick it up I can feel every bone in its body.  No joke, the grooves in its hips, the indent in its shoulders.  It looked like a dinosaur because its spine was sticking out.  So we bring it in our garage and feed it and it eats like a horse.  It looked to somewhere between 6 and 8 weeks old.  The next day I take it to the vet and the vet is very shocked that the kitty is alive.  I tell him it is a stray and that I dont have a lot of money but dont want it to be outside alone and dying so i caught it.  He agrees with me about the kitten looking 6 weeks old and then looks at her teeth and realize she is actually 6 MONTHS old.  He tells me that she is in really bad condition, very dehydrated and malnurished and that there is possibly something wrong with her internally because she is so small.  He says he can give her antibiotics (she had a bad internal infection) and an IV and a shot of some other antibiotics and then we can see what happens.  I tell him I dont have a lot of money and pretty much start crying (I have anxiety about the vet in the first place from boomer) because I am scared that I am going to have to make the decision to put her to sleep.  He says she has a 50-50 chance and that he will do a bunch of the stuff for free so I pay 100 and he does all these things for her and then all I can do is wait.  Well that was last wednesday.  I decided to name her Motley because that is exactly what she is.  I loved her and snuggled her and gave her lots of positive attention and she has been eating like a horse and getting her antibiotics and getting better which is the good part.  The bad part is that the healthier she gets the meaner she gets.  The dogs are interested in her but her hissing and growling makes them want to eat her.  I cant walk in the room with out her hissing and growling and scratching me and same with Tad.  She was too feral for too long.  The thing is, I really dont like cats in the first place.  I care about animals a lot and so that is why I saved her, I would do it again.  But you cant bond with something that is constantly trying to bite you and no matter how hard I try she just keeps getting worse.  As soon as her medicine is done I am going to either take her to the humane society or just let her go back outside. I dont know what to do, she will never be a good pet.  Plus there is still a good chance she has an internal problem causing her to be so small.  My mom thinks I should have her be put down because she will die outside anyways and she cant live inside anywhere.  I dont know what to do with her.  Makes me sad.

I am starting my CNA training next month.  I am excited to finally be doing something that will give me instant gratification.  Then I will start working and apply for nusing schools.  If I get put on a waiting list then I am going to get my MA or my LPN liscense because then I can get a better job and possibly advanced placement and instant acceptance into a nursing program.  I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sorry this is so long, maybe even boring to most of you.  I just havent written in a while and it feels good to.

SLUTFACE.  Come over here now!! I need to see you before you leave me for sin city for a week!.

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