American Idol Girls Performances/ Amazing Race and update on my partner's mom

Mar 01, 2006 12:07

American Idol

Here is how I ranked the girls last night. Actually only the top 5 really impressed me with the songs they sang. The other 5 could all go home at this point and I wouldn't be to disappointed.

1) Paris
2) Ayla
3) Mandisa
4) Lisa
5) Melissa
6) Katharine
7) Kellie
8) Heather
9) Kinnik
10) Brenna

I would be most happy if 2 of my bottom 3 goes home. I think I will get my wish on Thursday night.

Amazing Race!

I am so excited this is back. It is much better than last season with the family thing. Here is my rundown of the teams after the first impression.

Teams I Like

David and Lori- I love this cute little nerd couple! I think they are sweet and I think they just might do really well in the race since they work so well as a team.

Joseph and Monica- I LOVE this team. Team MOJO! I think they will do well but they have to keep their tempers in control. I LOVE the fact they have little razorback's on the sleeves of their shirts. Go Arkansas with all your new TV reality stars. ;)

Wanda and Desiree- I like this team. I think that the strong mother/daughter bond will carry them far in the race. Mom just needs to take her anxiety medications before she has a heart attack or stroke before the race is over.

Teams I am not sure on yet

BJ and Tyler- I haven't made up my mind on them. I celebrate their unique style and their upbeat attitudes but they almost have a bill and ted's excellent adventure thing going on that annoys me slightly.

Ray and Yolanda- I don't feel like I got to see enough of them on the first leg of the race to really get a feel if I liked them or not. Time will tell on this one.

Eric and Jeremy- I am not sure what to think of them yet. Sometimes they seem really smart and other times they seem like airheads. Time will tell on this one as well.

Lisa and Joni- I hate the screaming and the saying they use when they are stressed. They give up to easy too. Next week I will make a final decision on these two drama mammas. ;)

Teams that I don't like

Lake and Michelle- They annoy me already. She is a whiner and he is WAY to bossy and yells to much. To much drama for me.

John and Scott- Even though I celebrate diversity this team was a little much to digest. I hated that they let the pressure get in the way and they left the show the first episode.

Danielle and Dani- I am tired of the sorority girls being on the race and using their sex appeal to help them win things. GET OVER YOURSELF! :)

Fran and Berry- I didn't like the fact that they beat themselves up when they couldn't find the box on the bridge and also on the motorcycle challenge. Maybe my opinion will change on them next week.

None of this is set in stone and i do reserve the right to change my opinion from week to week! :)

Ben's mom is taking baby steps but is getting better. She has had to have several major medical procedures done but we are still hopeful that she will continue on a path to recovery. We also hope that she will be stable enough so that Ben can still go with me to NJ/NYC to see Charlie and Doug. Ben has told me that no matter what he expects me to go with or without him. It's hard to think I may go without him. Part of me says I shouldn't but when you really think about it what can I do at this point if she is stable but critical? So I am about 99% sure I will still go up there and I hope and pray that she will be well enough and stable enough for Ben to consider going with me.

Well that is all for now.

until then,

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