Aug 05, 2006 03:37

Tonight 11 friends and I set out on the Cock Robin (yes I know funny name for a boat....but bare with me here)... for 3/4 Night Blues Fishing.

It started slow... they chummed the back of the boat and one guy kept catching them and we were getting nothing. Eventually, we moved to a different spot and thats where the fun began...

One after another, poles started bending and the fish started piling in....blood started to smear the deck.

I was getting frustrated because I spent 20 minutes out of the water in a tangle with Larry and Kevin. Then I lost 3 fish because of snapped lines. Finally, I nailed one brought it the surface and the fucking deckhand gaffed my line instead of the fish, of course I lost the fish AND another hook...I was so pissed I flopped my pole on the deck and lit a cigarette and was ready to give up.

Finally, I cooled down and tied up another hook... and started slamming like the rest of them!!

There were 21 people on the boat, 12 of them was our group.... our group alone boated a whopping 52 bluefish!!

My largest one? 10.5 LBS. Thats awesome for a blue.

The deck of the boat looked like the set of a horror was covered in blood.... we were covered in blood...

Holy shit what a hell of a time! Scott's dad won the $64 pool for his 14.25 pounder!

Right now, my arms are dead and sore as hell, Im tired, I smell like fish and salt water.... but do I care?! Not in the least!! Those fuckers fight hard and long... my longest fight was 20 minutes...
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