May 22, 2004 22:23
Woo! At least the Flyers are good at one thing, playing like a typical Philly team...
Sure the Flyers beat the Devils... but wait a minute there... let's get some facts straight for all the Flyers' fans that talk out their ass and dont think before they move their lips...
- This year marked the first time IN HISTORY that the Flyers have beaten the Devils in a Playoff Series.. (it had to happen SOMETIME)
- 2 out of the 3 years that the Devils went on to win the Cup, it was the Flyers that fell in the Conference Finals...
- 3 Cups in 9 Years out of 4 chances in the Finals!! Can the Flyers say that they accomplished that?
- Devils took less time to win 3 cups, than the Flyers to win one!!
- in 2000, the Devils were just about down and out (3 games to 1)... however thre Devils rallied to a comeback for an Away Team record to slice the Flyers back to the golf course in the Conference Finals..
- Over the course of the last 9 years, the Devils have the dominant Team Vs. Team record during the Regular Season...
- That Flyers fans merely talk shit because of jealousy... therefore they make themselves feel a little better at night knowing that for a split second they may have slightly peeved a Devils fan...
- Phildelphia is a dirty city, w/ dirty teams that don't do jack shit when comes to crunch time... $$$ isn't everything...
So with this in mind... I will leave you with...