Brotherly love... and rage

Jan 12, 2006 02:58

So, this morning (which for you would be 2pm) I checked my messages.  I had quite a few, the first two being the most vile and upsetting.

Scotty: "Who's fucking sister are you? I appreciate you betraying yet another confidence. This is bullshit."

Second message-

Scotty:" You know what? Don't fucking call me anymore, I'm done with you."

This charming lad is my 19 year old brother, and I haven't the slightest idea  what he's talking about.  So I search my memory for some transgression I've commited within the past 24 hours, and can only think of one thing...

2am, 12 hours previous the voicemails. A phone conversation between Heather, (scotty's ex) and myself.  More or less, she's figured out for herself that Scotty had been getting into her voicemail somehow, and listening to her messages.  She vented to me about it, and i agreed it was sucky.  Come on.

So, I call Heather , knowing my name was somehow mentioned in her rant to him.   She apologizes for saying I told her  what he did, when in fact she had already known, and I had done nothing of the sort.  So, she calls Scotty, and tells him this.  Of course, he doesn't believe her.  I'm framed for something I didn't do, and I'm involved in teenage drama I don't care for.

I think about it, and at first I'm pissed.  I love my brother, and I don't want there to be a rift between us.  I love Heather, she had my back when I was crushed by her brother, Mitchell.  (What a tangled web we weave....I know)  So I could apologize, plead my case, what the fuck ever....or...

Or I could not. It dawns on me. I don't have to play. I don't have to care.  I don't care as a matter of fact, because Scotty'll come around eventually, (even though in a brief  moment at my sister's we exchanged "fuck you".)  I don't have to dance for NOBODY.  And i won't .

Besides, he hasn't ever apologized to me for a multitude of shit I just have let go.  Ugh. Fuck it.
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