Well. I'm feeling better I think. I mean, I know I am. It's kind of like being tangled up in vines, or a net, and you know how a fish in a net kind of stops flailing for a minute before it starts flipping everywhere violently all over again? I think I'm in that pause, that contemplating quiet frustration of what the fuck do i do next. I am the human condition.
Anyways. Gonna go see Constantine, and I'm kind of apprehensive. Why? Because I 'm terrified of demons. I know I shouldn't be, no power over me and all that stuff...but when I'm alone I feel helpless in a way. Like I'm constantly waiting for one to walk into my bedroom and be like "Well, we knew this was going to happen. You ready to get yours or what?" And then I lose my mind.
Been listening to alot of Queen. Man I love me some Freddie Mercury. Seven seas of Rhye is my favorite right now.
What should I do with my life? I'm taking suggestions. I mean, if you wanna write me a plan, I'll consider it.
Bah. I'm crazy. Ah well.
Taxes are bunk. You're telling me, that I made 10,000 dollars last year, and jointly Chris and I made 29,000...and we only get 350 bucks back for our return? But, had we procreated, I coulda had 1000 more bucks? Fucking bullshit I'm telling you.
Awhile back, just for fun I submitted a few poems of mine to this website, and they want to give me this trophy and read a poem at this function.....I just have to pay them 149 dollars. So I know it's just a scam, but I really want that trophy. You need to buy it for me.
I just want to pretend I deserved it. :P