Nov 04, 2004 08:58
We'll murder what matters to you and move on to your neighbors and kids. - Rilo Kiley
The results are in.
And it's scary.
Why america has CHOSEN this man!?
After watching a few news seems the number one reason was not.
A) the economy
B) the war
C) health care
it was MORAL VALUES!?!?!?! F&%$!!!!!!!!
WTF is wrong with this Country?
Like what?
I could rant and rave for pages but that would only be preaching to the choir.
Suffice to say. I hope those who voted for Bush are satisfied living with their head buried in the sand.
Without a job.
Without health care.
With (more than likely) a dead son or daughter lost to a meaningless war.
In a state of Economic Depresssion.
As victims of the a HUGE defecit that will only get bigger.
& As the laughingstock of all Industrialized nations.
God forbid we allow equal rights and happiness in a country that literally wrote those words as the point for sustaining itself.
I think the worst of it is this.
If it was just about greed...then I could understand the evil. (and fight it) BUT here's the thing.
The government actually wastes and loses money constantly fighting legal battles over gay rights, over health care issues concerning gays, and over hospital bills etc....that go unpaid for victims of disease etc. who can not recieve necessary benefits from their partners.
But yet......they would rather waste their money and your tax dollars fighting gays, than simply being like... "Hmm... they're gonna fuck each other in the butt whether we like it or not...."
SO.. the point is...their hatred goes deeper than greed. AND THAT truly scares me. How do you fight that? pure blind hatred and fear? How has this country embraced fear so deeply? How!?!?!? What's to be afraid of?
The fear goes so deep they would choose to strip me of the right to marry a human I love over having a job, education for their children, good foreign relations, health care, etc. etc. etc.!?!?!?! WTF!
WHERE are the priorities?
The nation's children will indefinitely thank todays generation for freeing them of the HORROR of gay marriage while adversely plunging our country into darkness.
Something else the government isnt telling you that I will.
As a designer and as a businessman who now a days must deal with factories and business in foreign countries including India, japan, china, the Philippines. ETC........I have info that the average American does not.
Heres the thing. The factories we depend on so heavily overseas to produce everythign for us......
They HATE us (which I think goes without saying), BUT...... NOT only that.....They are beginning to refuse to work with us.
The American dollar is on it's way to worthless. Our country expects waaaaaay more for waaaay less than it should, and now that other country's currency is trumping ours.....the factory's have very little issue with turning away American business.
W ain't telling you that.
Not only are Jobs being exported, but those jobs at home which depend on other countries to produce the things designed here are slowly going to disappear as well.
Isn't that great!?!?! I have experienced this first hand with my jobs and I am not making things up.
What now?
I believe that all rational citizens will begin to look for citizenship in other countries.
I do not believe there is much hope for this nation aside from impeachement.
The fall of America the holy empire is Inevitable. 1984 was only a bit shy on the date.
If anyone has any sort of knowledge on applying to other countries for citizenship I would be most grateful.
At least as a designer I can work anywhere.
Ps. I am VERY ashamed that this election was cost by my home state of Ohio. I spent 21-22 years figuring out a plan to escape the dreaded confines of that ugly little state, and NOW they have figured out a way to haunt me.
Im off to work.
Whilst I still have a job....enjoy it while it lasts folks.
I truly can not believe this is happening. For the first time in my life (im including 9-11 here) I feel actual hopelessness. And I feel very suprised by the values and morals of this country which I assumed were more in line with my values (and with anyone who has half a brain and turns the fucking tv off for at least 30 minutes to ponder life...and draw their own conclusions)
For America I leave you a quote from the Prophet Courtney's extremely fitting I think.
"I made my bed, I'll die in friends"