Feb 03, 2005 18:57
Man I haven't done this in a long time. I deleted all my old entries cuz I decided to start off fresh. Today was a really good day. Class was actually fun cuz me and Katelyn were being loud retards- we were pretty hyper. I love my table in history, we sit with these 2 guys. I'm pretty sure they're scared of me and Katelyn sometimes, but theyre fun. We had a Billy Madison quotes marathon. Our history teacher is so weird- he's some old racist nutbag who only wants to teach us about how the white people dominate over every other race. He's even asked the black people in class "So how do you like being black in America?" What the fuck, right? They just stared at him. He once asked this older black man in the class "How would you feel if black men were being lynched in the streets?" and he was like "Well that would never happen today!" Akward.... So he just talks a lot about nothing to do with history and he has this group of students who have had him for years before and just love taking his class. They annoy me so much and they're always telling stupid ass stories and agreeing with everything he says. So me and Katelyn are gonna start making up shit and saying it out loud. We need something to do because we get so bored hearing his bullshit. I seriously haven't learned a thing.We're not even going in order of history, we just skip around to all the times white people have tried to eliminate a race. He's always asking the class about our families and traveling and how racism changes as you go to different places in the U.S., and if we know any interracial couples and if so, how do people view them. It's like the man only sees color, and nothing else. It's funny just listening to him though. I'm feelin good though-very much alive :) My little brother wants me to scratch his back so I best be on my way. I'm such a good sister.