Dec 23, 2009 10:00
Hey peeps!! I reported for duty on my first enlistment date... With no idea where to go, who to meet and what to bring. Guess,am still waiting for the letter to pop out in my mailbox... haha!
Made some friends rite on e spot... Dats kinda cool... cause these are the guys and gals who am gonna spend time with as a squad for 6 months!! Maybe all the way as friends? Though I applied in individually,but hey... Whats a squad without teamwork? and being the eldest there(Tsk tsk!! old!!), I sure can use some of my experience and all... We're waiting for the squad to be ermm.... full of people so we can start the training and all...
Both the officer is the garang one... Mmmm...there is a positive side of it though. U'll learn much more the right way and more... U'll discipline urself... The only thing is wit all this is that,all i hope for is for us as a squad to work as one and do our very best and graduate together...
Oh yah...It feels like I'm doing national service all over again,being in e army last time... U noe...bunk cleaning,bedsheet pulling,window cleaning, dun do dis,dun do dat... yadayadayada..
Intro by instructor for the exercises is fine...not bad.. Its jez dat not doing running for a while left me a bit tired.(Not mentioning not receiving my running shoe and ended using a shoe where I used to go clubbing!!! Urgh!!),it left both my calves to be sore and injured. wonder if I can heal by monday? Mmmm... Oh well... My body is more on size and strength,not endurance... Gonna change my training soon and hopefully it'll be good. Gym sessions on weekends when I book out of camp. They dun let me use the gym in camp. Bummer.
Only one thing bother's me..I need to practice my saxophone!!!! DAMN!!! Urgh! Hahaha
And I can't really sleep after all dat... Find it a bit weird...