
May 14, 2010 12:52


A stron 8 out of 10... I loved how it was narrated by the Prophet CHUCK!!!!

To stop the Apocalypse, Dean and Sam have no choice but to make decisions that will change their lives forever... and cost them everything they hold dear.

Sam and Dean begin their final showdown with Lucifer. And we finally get an appearance by God...Sam says yes to Lucifer, Adam returns as Michael and Dean has to accept that he will have to say goodbye to Sam forever...or will he?

And the Impala gets it's own storyline...EXCELLENT!!!!

Music: Carry On Wayward Son (Kansas), Rock of Ages (Def Leppard)

Chuck: On April 21, 1967, the 100 millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville--a blue two-door Caprice. There was a big ceremony, speeches, the lieutenant governor even showed up. Three days later, another car rolled off that same line. No one gave two craps about her. But they should have. because that 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car--no, the most important object--in pretty much the whole universe.

Dean: I'm on board.
Sam: You're gonna let me say yes?
Dean: No, that's the thing. It's not on me to let you do anything. You're a grown--well, overgrown--man. If this is what you want, I'll back your plan.
Sam: That's the last thing I thought you'd ever say.
Dean: Might be.

Sam: Take care of these guys, okay?
Castiel: That's not possible.
Sam: Then humor me.
Castiel: Oh. i was supposed to lie. (chuckles) Uh... sure. They'll be fine, I...
Sam: Just--just stop... talking.
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