phase 1

Nov 25, 2009 14:50

Just what the hell is going on here?! What happened to Al-Revis? Where is everyone?

Reicher, if this has anything to do with you, you better not have hurt them.

not my room, idk my bff reicher?, not my school, arrival, not my universe

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hi_blog November 25 2009, 22:37:27 UTC
Great, another newcomer.

Bring me a hot chocolate. Or hot tea.


razerjuxe November 25 2009, 22:38:06 UTC
What? No! Who the hell are you?


hi_blog November 25 2009, 22:41:11 UTC
Hibari Kyouya, room 043 on the second floor. The door isn't locked. Just bring the hot drink in and set it on the kotatsu.


razerjuxe November 25 2009, 22:43:32 UTC
I'm not your slave!


hi_blog November 25 2009, 22:45:28 UTC
No, you're just confused and not taking orders very well. You want answers, bring me my drink.


razerjuxe November 25 2009, 22:46:34 UTC
...Fine, but only if you answer my questions.


hi_blog November 25 2009, 22:48:51 UTC
Then don't waste my time. Go to it.


[ACTION] razerjuxe November 25 2009, 23:05:58 UTC
[After several minutes, there's a knock on Hibari's door.] Hey, you in here?

[Raze opens the door, stepping in halfway to get a look around first. In one hand is a platter carrying a steaming mug of hot chocolate. All he needs now is a maid outfit.

Of course, his sword is also hanging at his waist under his heavy coat, just in case things go badly here.]


[Action - about damn time] hi_blog November 25 2009, 23:17:46 UTC
[Hibari's chillin' at his kotatsu with his bird. Nice and warm~ He looks up at Raze and nods. Yes. Come in. Bring forth the drink.]

Well, you figured out the kitchen or dining room fast enough.


[Action - >:|] razerjuxe November 27 2009, 03:00:16 UTC
It's not that hard to figure out. [It was a little creepy how everything he needed was already laid out for him, though, but he doesn't mention that. He sets down the tray.]

So what do you know about this place?


[Action - Make faces all you want, you're mine now, Bitch] hi_blog November 27 2009, 04:55:48 UTC
[Hibari takes his hot chocolate. >3]

I know it's a bitch of a place that is either outright evil or just antagonistic; the actual mansion--though I hear some people blaming a queen or something but I've never seen her. Some of the people are just as bad. Best to have a security network of people who will watch your back.


[Action - well at least this is nothing new for him :|] razerjuxe November 27 2009, 21:19:04 UTC
...The building is evil? [See this? This is Raze's totally-not-believing-this-BS face. He's starting to wonder why he even came if he was going to be ordered around.]

What's this I keep hearing about there being no way to leave? The grounds have to end somewhere.


[Action ] hi_blog November 27 2009, 21:51:56 UTC
I walked about in the snow several days ago. It's an extensive place but all roads lead back to the mansion. When I was brought here, the mansion became hell on earth, turning people who had died into deathless zombies. Trust me- the mansion is evil.


[Action] razerjuxe November 27 2009, 22:05:02 UTC
I'll believe it when I see it.

It looks like any old mansion to me. A weird one, but not evil. Besides, how can a building be evil? It's a house.


[Action] hi_blog November 27 2009, 22:08:07 UTC
If I'm around to see you get your ass handed to you I will make sure to pause for a moment of laughter before moving on.

You wanted answers and you've been given some. It's not my fault if you're too ignorant to accept them.

[He drinks his drink.~]


[Action] razerjuxe November 27 2009, 22:23:27 UTC
Well it won't happen. Tch.

Maybe I'd accept your answers if they actually made sense. Do you have anything else to say, or are we done here?


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