phase 6

Dec 25, 2009 16:06

I think I just got yelled at by a lizard.

This Christmas thing is weird.

Hibari - homemade cheesecake left outside his room. It also boosts ATK/MGK.
Tony - a pair of Un-Glasses, which are a pair of demonic looking glasses which make you see HORRIFIC THINGS MANKIND WAS NOT MEANT TO SEE. It also boosts magic and strength a bit and has a Choke spell. Raze really just wants to see him try to wear them, though. It also comes with a copy of his Al-Revis map, "so you don't get lost when you become a teacher."
Renee - A Toad Mouth because those things are adorable and he has no idea what to get you. The box is decorated with a ribbon taken off one of the wreaths (but you can see from the one ripped end that he didn't get it easy :|)
Vayne - Pumptatokin pie :V because it is delicious.
Lily - handmade napkin /sob)

event: christmas, wtf, bill the lizard

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