Just when I was gonna post something insightful, I get tagged by
majorxero with this:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.
4. No tag-backs.
1. Mood wise/mentally, I am the darkest person I know
2. I expect the world to end in 2012, and rightfully cheer it on.
3. I think my driver's license is suspended for some BS paperwork that NJ DMV fucked up on. So if I get pulled over, i might be arrested.
4. If I DO get arrested, I cannot promise that I will make clear decisions, possibly leading to a murder or my demise or both.
5. I'm a nonconformist goth. That means I have the mentality, but I don't dress the part.
6. I was once told that as I reached my 20s and 30s, my anger would calm down. It hasn't. In fact, I think I'm getting more pissed off.
7. I often think about what my funeral will be like.
8. I hate everyone running for president and would leave this country if it wasn't for my family being here. No matter who wins, WE lose.
Cheery aint it?
Go fetch.