Baby Body

Apr 06, 2013 09:13

Well, during my pregnancy I gained 40 pounds. I've lost only ten, and that was in the first week. Seven of it was the baby himself. It's pretty sad; I was told that breastfeeding makes it easy to lose weight but it doesn't appear to be so. I wasn't able to work out until 7 weeks as I was still having post partum bleeding, but now at 10 weeks my weight is still not budging despite doing some ass-kicking workouts. I'm still wearing the maternity pants. FML.

I've decided to start tracking calories. I hate doing that as it reminds me of my eating disordered days and I don't want to fall into that trap, especially while I'm nourishing my son. But I have to do something.

My goal is to get back into my regular pants by the time I visit my family at the end of June. I don't expect to lose 30lb that fast, but if I can just get into the old jeans I'll be content.

Here goes.

exercise, food, fitness, baby, health, life

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