Life as we know it

Mar 05, 2013 14:45

This was taken last week at 5 weeks. He'll be 6 weeks tomorrow; I can't believe how fast the time goes. I'm slowly catching up on my sleep; the little critter had a cold over the weekend and was up every hour and a half but he's back to sleeping 2-3 hours again. I barely get out of the house, though; it's freezing cold (duh; it's Alberta) and even on days when it's above zero it's too slippery out there to want to go for a walk. I get out on Saturdays when we all go to walmart for groceries, and that's about it. Yay, lol. I don't mind it though. I spend the non-baby time reading and interneting. I could be watching TV but there aren't that many shows I'm interested in.

Anyways, he's doing well. So am I; I still have to lose 30lb of pregnancy weight, but every stranger who sees Atticus says I look good for being only a few weeks post partum. I'm still just wearing yoga pants and stuff, but once I get the okay from my doctor to get back into regular exercises I'm going to really work on my fitness (to the extent breastfeeding allows).

The cat is also doing well. She really wants to go outside but her belly hair has barely started to regrow from her operation. She tolerates the baby well enough so it isn't an issue but I know she'd like to be out and about.

James just started a new job, doing industrial electrical work at a local glycol plant. He will usually be working 4 days a week, 10 hour days, which is great since he'll have fridays off to spend with Atticus. As well, he is officially a 3rd year electrician now and with his new wage we can pay off all our debt by the end of summer (unless more household costs crop up; last year with the roof and furnace was expensive).

All in all things are going well. But... the babe awakes. Off to be mom.

penny, atticus, photos, baby, money, life

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