Aug 30, 2007 20:29
I feel like i need to add more about the awesomeness of the Bodies exhibition that Nikki mentioned. For those of you who haven't seen it yet and have a mild interest in it, GO SEE IT!!! It's was friggin amazing! I expected all of the full bodies to be behind glass, but instead they were out in the open for people to get as close as they'd like. Nikki accidently touched one and I was like, "Oh my god you just touched a dead person!" haha Anyhoo my favorite room was the Cardiovascular system room. They took bodies and body parts and injected the veins and arteries with a latex like substance (blue for veins and red for arteries) and then submerged the bodies into some sort of substance that caused everything to disentegrate expect for the rubbery part. They displayed these in display cases filled with clear fluid (prolly a preservative) and then the whole room was dark expect for the display case lighting. It looked sweeeet. The blood vessels were glowing in the dark.
....I just got tired of typing. I'm gonna stop. I suck at keeping up with entries. heh bye