Jul 05, 2010 18:28
If you had the best author in your fandom at your disposal, what would you want that author to write? If you had the best artist in your fandom at your beck and call, what would you want that artist to draw? Is there some fic you've always wanted to read but no one's ever written to satisfaction for you? (Ditto with art.) I'm curious! :D!
Likewise, is there something you've been wanting to write but just haven't gotten down to it yet?
;D Maybe some authors will drive by this post and write it for you (HINT HINT FOR ALL YOU AUTHORS/ARTISTS OUT THERE... XD) - so also make a note if it's an idea you want to carry out yourself or whether you're open for others to have at it.
PS To give those of you who have no prompts in mind something else to think about, I ate almost an entire box of pizza rolls today. I AM SUCH A PIG. I was just sitting here thinking about all the junk foods I like... I also like the microwaveable chimichangas... Why don't I ever think to myself "YOU KNOW WHAT I REALLY CRAVE RIGHT NOW? CARROT STICKS." ???? :|