Mar 23, 2005 22:35
but i just had one of the MOST shity weeks ever recorded in the history of the towers! sorry i'm not makeing any sense watsoever...... oh well no point in putting down all the details except lets just say that right now my mood involves mrs kreig(THE MATH TEACHING BITCH FROM HELL!)poking out her eyes and stabbing her repeatedly with her own splintered bone.( or i could just do a jack the ripper replay and stab her 36 times with some unknown object. ) oh and i think that while i'm at it i'll trash her room ( paper bits everywhere, falling down chalk board, burning algebra boobs, gum under every desk and all sorts of other nasty things i'm not going to put down because they would make any sane person shifty....but you are not sane my friends so wat have i to worry about.......?) any way and lets just say that it was just the worst consectutive seris of days that i have ever lived through.......
..................i'll stop ranting though, you prolly have your own problems and dont need mine too............
still love most of fuck it!