Mar 04, 2005 19:29
hey guys wasup? well i just had an interesting week >.<..........oh well heres how it went.
Monday: un-interesting (although chris did come over)
Tuesday: haha u already know this jenn, but chris came over after school again and well lets just say that now i feel like a 10 cent corner whore(except that i didnt get my 10cents........)got it?
Wendsday: was shity, i had to finnish my yearbook page cause it was due thursday and technicaly i wasnt supposed to have it done till everyone else had done theirs,(cause its a collage of all the reject kids who werent in any of the other pics)and i hadnt startred so it was a scramble and it sucked cause i didnt have enough photos
Thursday: i had toget up at 4:00 in the mornin cause our jazz band had a contest in durango(The Fort Louis College Jazz Band Festival:5th annual )and we had to drive for 4 fuckin hours to get there. when we finally got ther(FINALY!) we watched some of the other bands and then broke for lunch. when we came back we had to attend a Master Class taught by Peter Erksine (some special holly wood drummer he did the soundtracks for the austin powers movies and played with bands like steely dan) it was cool it was all about rythm and tempo and how to do jazz beats on the drums. but then we watched some more bands and then we went and changed into dress clothes and got ready for our performance (it was pretty nerve racking) we performed and then went to a clinic that was taught by this psyco guy he was all like " i want you to play that 1 lick more like ZUBAH DU DAH! Instead of zuz buh du bah ba...Play with more contrast and then. When u get loud get LOUD!!! as loud as u can possibly go!!!!!!" and all this time he's talkin these viens were sticking out of his head and he was like changeing colors,red white,red white. but over all we placed realy high (at first they though that we were a high school band, and we actualy beat a bunch of the high scool bands too) and then they found out that we were an ms band and we won our division) but yea it was coo we got a plaque and everything. but then we all went to mickey dees and i got a happy meal ^.^ yay! but yea and then we went back for a concert that lasted from 7to 9. it was ok (not that great) but yea thats all the important stuff so i'm posting now before this monster gets any longer...........strange how that happens how the entrys get longer
oh well i'll finnish this later -peaches-