Nov 30, 2004 18:59
so at crew today i rowed...and i was STROKE! thats freaking awesome. i was so excited...heres the line-up
8 Me
7 Lily
6 Hannah
5 Ashley
4 Lauren
3 Liv
2 Megan
1 Nikki
Cox: Stef
we did 5 drills: pick drills, pause at arms away every other stroke, outside hand only, feet out of shoes, and rowing with our eyes closed.
AND GUESS WHAT! i have no practice on Saturday, so we're goin out Marissa!
anyways i talked to Evan earlier...he wanted me and Marissa to go to Roosa's, but i couldnt because i had crew :( o well i think hes going to Marissa's we'll see =D
<3 adios