Feb 22, 2008 00:47
I went from having the best man in the world, to a guy i absolutely found intriguing-just couldnt stop thinking about- always wanted to be around...to NOTHING!
all in two weeks. how do i do this to my self all the time?
Lauremt, my high school sweet heart, the guy who couldnt possibly love me any more in the world, and i let him go. i'm sorry, but i'm confused as to how i feel towards you, sometimes i feel like ur best friend, and sometimes i feel like ur g/f. i've hurt him soo many times unintentionally that i dont know how he still could love me, but he does....
Ben, i've only known you for more or less two weeks, and i've already grown so attached to you, but you only see me as a friend... yet we have acted more than that. I have two choices, to continue being ur friend and only hope we become more, or to just let go and let god, for me that means cut off everything from any hope or desire i had of you. My choice is leading to number two.
I've been offered to move up to Orlando. I'm starting to make that my plan. I'm hoping a change of scenery and ppl will just lead to something better. New friends? Better job? Better life? I can only hope.