List of things I want to do...

Nov 19, 2009 18:10

There's something wrong with the way I organise my time. It always seems like there's so many things I want to do, and it never seems like Right Now is the time to do them.

So instead, I post about it on LJ. =D

I want to...
- Learn to weld, and make those neat statue things out of random scrap metal
- Learn archery, and decorate a cool bow and quiver set
- Live on a ship, decorated as an aquatic pirate-punk fortress.
- Learn magic and disintegrate a cop car. This one might have to wait...
- Participate in creating an outdoor goth/industrial festival designed more along the lines of electronic music festivals - so more focus on decorations and ongoing DJ'ed music at dance floors, less with the overcrowded bands packed impractically across indoor stages that you never really want to see more than one in a row of. I'd want to design the industrial floor in a kind of post-apocalyptic built-from-the-rubble style.
- Learn to reliably place Micro Dermal Anchor piercings and execute the layouts Izta and I have been working out for ourselves
- Declare independence as an autonomous community/territory with a reasonably sized squatted area somewhere
- Learn to poi-dance, then use fire pois on spiked chains. Preferably without hitting myself and setting my hair on fire.
- Learn to play the violin
- Finalize and execute my plans for my new hairstyle

Probably many more things I can't remember right now.

I've got the imagination, I've got the brains, I've got the time and I've even got the energy these days. I'm just lacking the initiative... and money, but I'd rather do without that.
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