Sep 07, 2005 02:04
So, Im starting to really like my roomate alot- that two week room freeze thing is for the best I guess.
Me and Christine had a sleepover tonight but its just not how it used to be- nothing against her- she knows shes my bestest and I love her unconditionally- but shes moody lately, shes so upset its hard to make her happy- hard to have fun anymore.
Its really sad I mean ever since this whole Dan thing shes just changed so much- ever since college. I know shes over Dan- things are done, but the way he handled it- just made her so cold and I know she doesnt like being like that.
I wish I could make her happy- once in a while it happens, you know baby kiss bc I <3 her- but its few and far between and I just wish shed get off her grumpy bear cloud now because shes beautiful and I love her and I want her back- whole heartedly- bad AND good...
"Looks like the Fantastic Four is fantastic again".... I wish
I really havent been at that point in my life in a while where Ive been like- "wow, I LOVE my friends"- I mean yeah you always love your friends but I mean like live for them...
When I first starting hanging out with Christine and Chris Pugh and Matt things kinda just clicked- I had left Justin and Rob and Toni and all them behind bc it was just time to move on~but I must admit I have a strange unconditional love for them.
Ive always had the amazing hazy days and butterfly kisses with Nicole Angelo Keith and Jon and that remains unchanged but..
Rich's whole group of friends- I dont know- at first it didnt work then it did- really well might I add (cartag,bandpractice,overpass,deathpit,scavengerhunts,cky,saltburns<3)- then it fell. Matts really done nothing in a while except try to hurt my feelings or make me laugh- neither of the two being much of an accomplishmet, Erich doesnt see us because we dont do drugs instead of life, and Ed follows Matt (not seeing these guys arent cool dont get me wrong- it just changed because of this..) well I know thats not much but I hate surrounding myself with people who make me feel shitty and either these people bring be so high or so low and I hate balancing acts (and everything else about the circus)- I dont know where this is coming from but I just wanted to prove my poiint that no matter how much I love my friends, even the ones I dont see anymore or dont really like or talk to- I dont- but the reall ones- yeah the REAL ones- have always been right under my nose...
I Love You All....