Jan 06, 2007 13:26
So, first ride of the year today, and I get to ride Justin. =)
Wendy said my lower leg and my upper body and overall position looked really good today. Justin was moving nice and forward at the trot, we just need to work a bit more at the canter, and getting him to move forward more.
So, for goals? I figured out today, that I'm not going to set goals this year. My main thing for this year is to just ride better overall, and kick my mind's ass. Hehe. My mental aspect of riding went down the drain like two years ago, when my old trainer overfaced me, and pushed me too hard, and no one ever called the plumber to unclog the drain it went down.
But yeah, the reason why I'm not setting goals this year, is because of something my instructor said today. She gave us this really nice talk-type thing, and she said something like "People need to start learning how to live their live day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment." Which means living in the moment. I'm going to take goals as they come, ride by ride. Of course I have some thigns that I'd like to accomplish, but I'm going to take things ride by ride from now on. Each ride is it's own. I can't relate it to any other ride I've ever had. It has to be it's own ride, with it's own goals.
I found this really cool quote the other day, and this is how I'm gonna think every time I ride from now on.
"Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your old eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky, and live like you ain't afraid to die, and don't be scared just enjoy your ride." - Chris Ledoux