Can I Start Today Over, Please?

Jan 28, 2006 11:49

Can I go back to bed? Better, can I start today over, please?

I dragged my ass out of bed around 10:00, aching in every joint in my body, and all my muscles seemed to be screaming in sympathy. It occurred to me that my neck and back have been stiff and either in agony or at least hurting for something like three weeks straight now.

I'm exhausted and burned out from what seems like a workload made for two or three employees instead of one, and from being up late pretty much every night this month. Last night (on a Friday!) I got home from work at 7:00 and was so tired and stressed that I couldn't even play EQ, and that's saying something.

Today, I pushed myself to get out of the house by 11:15. I was FINALLY going to take an afternoon and see "King Kong." I want to see it while it's still on the big screen. I was all the way across town and two stop lights from the movie theatre before I realized that I'd walked out of the house with a book to read while waiting for the movie to start, and a soda. No purse. Which means no wallet, no driver's license, and NO MONEY.

I searched my glove box, hoping for an emergency credit card or $20 bill, but I knew I didn't have any. So, finally, I drove home again.

I'm tired enough that all I want to do is cry. And start today over again and maybe get it right this time.


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