Meme from RayDance

Apr 05, 2007 23:30

Rare meme that I'm doing...

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you a couple personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. What do you perceive as humility, and would you think that you are a humble person?

To me, the primary meaning of humility is as what the philosopher put it : 知之為知之﹐不知為不知﹐是知也。 ("If you know it, say so; if you don't know it, say so; such is true knowledge.")

I think there is nothing wrong to be proud of what one knows, of what one can do, and of what one can achieve. But at the same time, it is also a virtue to admit it when one knows that he is wrong or have made a mistake, and it's definitely nothing shameful to not know about something. The willingness to admit mistakes, to bow down and learn from someone else, I think that is humility.

As for whether I am a humble person... I would think that generally I am, to people who I think deserves my respect. But at times my confidence can also come across as haughtiness (and in some situations, the latter might be in force). So... I would say I'm probably half-humble? ^^;

2. You have been tasked to introduce a manga/anime to someone who's never touched it. Introduce one title to him, and tell him why you think he should watch it.

It would really depend on how I perceive that person. I'll probably start by finding out what type of story he prefers, on books or on movies. Does this person like action? Humour? Romance?

But if there is no such understanding, generally I would recommend the manga "Gon". There is no words or language to bog someone down, the messages are light and easy to digest, and it's pretty amusing.

3. Coffee, or tea? Why?

Tea when I can have it. I'm not really someone appreciates fine tastes --- I simply go with what I think tastes better.

Occasionally, though, I'll take coffee --- just for the purpose of pepping me up from morning sleepiness at work. ^^;

4. It's no secret that you as a person place a lot of importance on money as a means to get somewhere in this world. Do you think that our society is getting too money-minded, and too focused on the corporate ladder?

Firstly, I would like to address a fact --- like it or not, money is important. Unless you stay alone in the middle of nowhere, have enough land and farming etc to feed yourself and don't mind losing civilisation, then no, money is not important.

When I talk about money, it's not about luxuries. It's about going for what you want, what you can give to the people around you. While some of these things might not be materialistic, most of the time money can get you there, faster/easier than you can do so without money. Especially so in an advanced society like Singapore's.

As for the part on society getting money-minded, it really depends on how you view money, and how you define "money-minded". To me, there's two definitions. One being "seeing only money in the eyes", and the second being "mindful about money". The latter is actually good, because it means that you are in charge of your own financial situation, but I assume you refer to the first definition.

Personally, I think while money is important, we should never confuse it as the objective. Money is a medium for us to achieve an objective --- be it a holiday, everyday expenses, paying for medical bills, or sending your kids to a good education. It makes absolutely no sense to be earning money for the sake of accumulating paper cash and do nothing with it.

As for the part on the corporate ladder... We have always heard stories of backstabbing etc to advance on the corporate ladder, or people who are so focused on their careers that they neglect everything else. That is not very healthy, and is what we call "placing the wrong priority". The process becomes the objective, and the original objective (of climbing the corporate ladder) becomes secondary or even lost.

However, one have to also recognise that it is the survival of the fittest out there. One can expect help, but one shouldn't take it for granted that it is an obligation for others to help him, especially if he himself is being incompetent, or unwilling to put in his efforts.

5. Describe your favourite possession.

Hmmm... I don't really have any favourite possession... *sweat*

If there's any... well, she is... petite, likes to cosplay sexy characters, pretty quiet at times, chooses her friends carefully (in my opinion sometimes to the extent of being erm, slightly hypocrite, depending on persons), can draw well, understands me pretty much, supportive... sometimes a little light on the wallet (sometimes on mine)...

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