Jul 28, 2006 00:13
I guess this deserves somewhat of an update.
School's been frickin' awesome. Dr. Veit made grammar intresting and fun for me, something I thought could never be accomplished. I'm actually sad that tomorrow's the final. I'm also considering teaching...hm. Maybe. However, I think dealing with hellspawn on a daily basis would surely erode what little sanity I possess.
Family-wise, I've pretty much taken over buying groceries, cooking and such. Therefore, we now have a low-sodium, low-sugar diet that my dad hates. But boo-frickity-hoo, he's the one who refuses to eat properly and gets into trouble with his diabetes. I'm also getting tired of battling my father and brother over cleaning up after themselves, and of course, pigging everything in the fridge and pantry. My brother needs a few more lessons of me chucking his crap out in the yard...if he bitches about his stuff, I'll simply say: "If you care so much, why not pick it up yourself? :o"
WoW-wise, I made one of the hardest decisions ever when I left my raiding guild. However, I just couldn't stand the way some of my friends were being treated on issues that was the guild officer's fault entirely. I have to say, now that I've retired my paladin and made my rogue my main, I've been alot happier. Hopefully tomorrow or sometime soon I'll get an invite to another guild, this one containing old friends and (from what I've seen) pretty cool, laid-back people who don't suck ass to LUCI. This guild actually does fun stuff and learns new things like AQ and Naxx. I'll be happy just tagging along for the new sights (and harassing the other scoundrels :P <3 you guys). I have five, yes five level 60's...one 50, and one 43 (hunter, druid, paladin, rogue, shaman for the 60's, 50 warrior, 43 mage). Oi vey. WTB more character slots, PST!
Also, worldwide LFG can kiss my nelf Sci's shiny purple ass. :| Every goddamn Alliance nitwit feels the need to go "DING" or fill my screen with mindless drivel ("you suck!" "no you suck!""dipshit" "no you suck more!" "both of you shut the fuck up in the fucking LFG" etc) when I'm actually joining or putting together a group.