(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 22:43

I meant to work more than I did but it still felt like I did a lot. Lucky me, I get to bill for driving... I went to the TAY workgroup for Pacific Clinics in Rialto. The One-Stop Centers proposed are sounding cool - I hope the approval comes in soon, so the money can drop. Then I drove to Ontario to pick up my LiveScan form. Then to San Bernardino to get my fingerprints done (again) - I get creeped out every time. I hate being on paper - the old paranoic reflexes start twitching. Then I went back to the UofR to get the last of the 5 transcripts I need to see what I gots in terms of premed requirements. Getting transcripts from 5 different "institutes of higher learning" is a pain in the ass.

I meant to go home then and work, but that didn't happen. What did happen was some wanton e-mailing, agreeing to go to a camera club meeting next Mon nite (oh for chrissakes, stop laughing and give me back my f*&$king pocket protector), and talking for a slightly uncomfortable bit to the lawyer I know with dicey connections who finally returned my call a week too late who pretended not to be sure of who I was but then managed to remember conversational details from like 8 years ago. dustinashe's buddy came by for awhile to drop off an odd gourd-looking Indian instrument that he is leaving in dustin's care while he jaunts off to Paris and India for the next two months. Lucky bastard.

I broke down and tried a veggie burger. OK, 1.5 veggie burgers: 1 Boca burger, and .5 Morning Spring. They were not horrible. I like how Boca throws down with that little bit of liquid smoke flavoring so you can pretend you are eating a freshly BBQ'd meat patty instead of ground up and smashed together vegetation. I do not foresee veggie burgers becoming a craving.

Some event at the UofR included what felt like the longest fireworks show in the history of fireworks, which set the already neurotic dogs off into hyper-neurotic spasms and fits. That was moderately nerve-wracking. And I think I'm deafer.

I read The Soldier and the Hunchback: ! and ? and got mildly annoyed by Crowley's seeming misogyny: "The Christian insists on notorious lies being accepted as an essential part of his (more usually her) system..." (emphasis mine). (I guess that could also be considered anti-Christian, eh?) I also took exception to the several times he wrote about the state "which I call Samadhi" which to me implies that this is his term or concept which is not the case. I did like the comparisons and contrasts he drew between the persons residing in Malkuth, Tiphareth, and Kether. Mostly though, I felt like this was an opportunity well-taken for the man to expound, and expound he did.

So, I washed that down with Chapter 10 of the Nurtured Heart book. I like the premise of the approach (to parenting) but I get annoyed by the redundancy of the writing - the same rationale is explained ad nauseum in every freaking chapter. I get that the book is not written for clinicians, but do the authors think that parents are *that* stupid?

So, I washed that down with another dose of Bel Canto. I'm almost done with that book, bit like several of our hostages, I could just as easily stay right there indefinitely.

As a palate cleanser, #2 from the Tao Te Ching. I'm reading the version in Hua-Ching Ni's "The Complete Works of Lao Tzu" but I just caught this online version which looks like good times...

The last line in the version I'm reading, "Because one does not claim credit for oneself, one does not do any damage to oneself" was the line of the day. Closely related to the Buddhist ideal of non-attachment, reminiscent of Liber Librae 11: "Do good unto others for its own sake, not for reward... "

Oh, and for you infidels who don't think that Fox News is a legitimate and unbiased source of objective news reportage, this oughtta learn ya. (Thanks haunting_love)

on the path, tao te ching, i nerd out, work, news, health, links

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