Jul 29, 2010 00:38
I'm 1 month into school with 17 more to go.
My body is exhausted from 80+ hour weeks. School, working overnight, then back to school some days keeps me up awake and trying to keep going for about 40 hours at least once a week (sometimes twice). I've gained a couple pounds since this started, simply because I think it's lack of sleep and stress combined. This schedule is damn near impossible.
I would LOVE to have a few days off - to myself - and some with my husband.
I feel my work is setting me up to fail in school because of our lack of staff. Worst turnaround of ANY job I've ever been in, including telemarketing. It's really very frustrating.
I'm doing well in school though - had finals for Vet Med Term today and got 100% on my final exam - can't complain about that!
I am having serious financial woes. though - parking downtown is expensive ($8-$14/day) and with gas it all adds up. We have shut off notices for a couple of our utilities because the money I'd have spent to pay my bills lined the pockets of those who own the parking garage/lots instead. I'm scrambling to prevent the untimely cut off of our electric or water. It's crazy and it's even more stress on an already terribly stressed person.
I'm so jealous of other people who just work or just go to school now. I wish that I didn't have to do both full time. *cries* I don't even have enough time sometimes to take a piss. It's so depressing. I miss my family and my pets and my camera. I miss sleep.. and I miss feeling 'right'. If you thought I was cynical before - or not tolerant of ignorance - I think I'm 10 times worse due to lack of proper care for myself. I am cranky a lot.
Well I better go to bed. I have to be up in 5 hours.