ALAS! Gettysburg photos!! (very photo heavy post)

Nov 10, 2007 00:09

It took me forever, but here are a FEW shots we took in Gettysburg during our 2nd honeymoon. It was hard to choose what to post, I took like 100 pics.

The Historic Farnsworth House Inn (where we stayed)

The sign on the door of the room we had at the Inn - The Eisenhower Room!

Our Room~

Another shot of the room..   it was pretty busy.

Getting a smooch from my wonderful husband! :D

Later that evening, to the basement for Mourning Theater!

Another shot from the basement

That was pretty much the 1st night, after Mourning Theater we went back to the room and TRIED to sleep.
The air was SO thick, we simply couldn't. I was nauseated most of the night and I just couldn't breathe, I couldn't catch my breath at all. It was weird, and needless to say we were REALLY tired in the morning!

Day 2

John and I getting ready to board the Battlefield Tours Bus. It was bright and early and we were excited!

We all know that no trip to Gettysburg is complete without just one photo of a cannon!

This is the view from Little Round Top overlooking Devil's Den. 
This place was awesome.

After the tour we went to the Hall Of Presidents (nothing says scay like a lifesize wax George W), then we drove around a bit looking for a monument that we never found.
I did take a few pics during the drive~

This was the gorgeous view from a REALLY tall watchtower I climbed. I mean REALLY tall.
It didn't look so tall until you were about 1/4 the way up. By the time I hit the last staircase I was shaking.  John chose to stay on the ground... smart man.

Pretty cool shot I got of one of the monuments... I *think that's an airplane making the line in the sky.

Then we went back to the room, and got ourselves dressed up for our "date"!

Camera on timer, me running across the room... good enough. ;)

And a close-up, because we love!
So we set off on our date -

On a carriage ride through the city! 
Our horse's name was Belle-Star.

We passed the old Gettysburg Hotel on the carriage ride-

Soon it ended and we had dinner and went on another Ghost Walk... 
then back to the room...

... my boy was tired...

We slept with the air conditioner on all night.. yea, it was cold, but we could breathe a little easier. 
It was still a rough night.

Day 3

Got up had breakfast and walked around the house for a few minutes..

This is the front hallway downstairs (entrance to dining room). That Grandfather clock doesn't help when it's 2am and you can't sleep.

This is the only photo that I think we truly caught "something" in. 
This weird pink orb is in the shot, but I didn't see it until after the picture was taken. 
There was nothing that caused it. This was looking up to the attic, by one of the most haunted rooms in the Inn.

We then packed up and bid the Farnsworth a farewell, which was really hard.
We went to the Lincoln Train Museum and the Battlefield Theater, and went driving around the Battlefields a little longer before going home.

We went to Devil's Den and we took this awful photo together. EEK!

And we saw this beautiful bird!
He was REALLY close.  Weird, we had a close encounter with a hawk the last time we were there too.


We went past the Irish Monument. 
It was the last thing we really saw before we hit the road home.

And that was our trip.

~The End~

gettysburg, pictures

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