The other day there was an answer but no question. Today there was a question and really will be no meaningful answer. Life's really just that crazy around here!
Today the Jamie and I joined the Rebecca and Neil for a showing of the movie
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. For the most part there aren't too many huge changes. Except for the fact that Charlie doesn't really find a Golden Ticket, it's pretty much the same thing with new people!
Ok, so it's not really. The changes/additions are all very good, and, as far as I can tell, the movie is more true to Roald Dahl's book than the previous version of the movie. The movie is also very Tim Burton and even features several actors from his last movie
Big Fish. Speaking of, you may notice that Mr. Soggybottom is now an Oompa Loompa. Correction. He is not an Oompa Loompa, he is the only Oompa Loompa in the entire movie! In the end it was a very good movie with Johnny Depp playing a very odd role occassionally freaking me out along the way. I would go on but I need sleep!