May 17, 2004 19:04
Wow i havent written in here in a while... alot has happened. Well softball season is over which is kinda good and kinda bad. Im glad its over but im gonna miss everyone. Besides that everything has been kinda on the down low. Friday jamie came over and spent the night then saturday i went to the beach with jamie john and blair. then that night i went over to hollys with lauren ross blair holly sam sara callie and someother ppl. The next day when everyone was gone me sam and holly went out on the jetskis and 4 wheelers! wayy fun! (even tho my 4 wheeler was like 5798986 times faster than sams) Today i woke up at 7 05 and so i got dressed and went to school. i was like 10 minuets late and they wouldnt let me take my biology sols. so i sat in the cafeteria for 2 hours. gay gay gay. then after school i went back to blairs house and then we went back to fc for the varsity softball game. now i am here. *Im glad i got everything straight with some people.. u know i love you guys and wouldnt purposly try to hurt u guys! thanks for making me realize some stuff*
<3 Ray