To be honest I almost didn't want to post about this dream because it has too many shades of RL. But this dream has the best showcase of how the actual events, the dream meaning and the link to real life can all make sense separately and together.
The dream:
I dreamt that I was on my way to inspection with Colleague C. Some other colleagues, including my previous boss, joined us. But for some reason, we kept coming across illegal taxis. To make things worse these taxis were cars and motorcycles that were all missing a wheel. So I didn't want to sit in vehicles of such poor quality.
Unfortunately we were in a pretty busy place and it seemed too far to walk. So we went along and then some of our other colleagues disappeared into a bus. Then C realised everywhere was so crowded because the next day was Hari Raya Puasa. Some Muslim ladies were quite upset because they couldn't squeeze in after my other colleagues had got on, and the next bus was in 30 minutes. Hearing that the next bus was so long, C and I started to walk.
Upon waking I realised that motorcycles couldn't drive with just one wheel even if they were doing it in my dream. I also remembered dreaming of this mosque shuttle service before, though I don't rememberthe other dream it was in.
After waking I went to check out the dream interpretation. The taxis suggest that I need help or am being taken for a ride. Given that they were all illegal taxis that was probably a sign that these were shortcuts I shouldn't take. And having missing tires means I'm being prevented from achieving my goals, as if the walking around in circles isn't a clear enough sign.
The real life situation this is referring to is my new team being too hard to get along with. I've been pondering this for the last few days so it's no surprise it turned up in my dream.