NaNo: Main characters and Novel progress

Nov 25, 2014 10:52

I wanted to ramble about my main characters, but I realised that everything I wanted to gush about was spoilery, and everything I could gush about wanted to be caveated in big letter "BUT THIS WILL CHANGE DUE TO X THING IN PLOT!"

So I will just keep it simple today and say that this series of images makes me think of my male lead for the reason that he still continues to be imaginative and creative despite being in fear. Possibly even closer in imagery, because this is a novel about dreams after all.

Just five more days to the end of NaNo. Today I just finished up the 5th chapter, clocking in at about 22.5k words. Not bad for something that was supposed to wind up only 10.5k words long. However, I can feel myself writing with caveats already, like "This needs to be introduced in Chapter 2 so I can make the female lead's dilemma about switching jobs clearer." The end of the month might be a good time to pop back and edit so I can write it in definitively, instead of making mental notes all the time.

We'll see what the next five days bring. Novel progress might become a weekly thing instead, as I balance both writing and editing.

challenge: nano, working: somino, nanowrimo, fic: chaptered

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