Jan 06, 2014 14:38
F-list! I need your opinions on something!
In wandering the web, I found a fun fact - I thought I was alone in needing a reread to fall in love with Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. But no! I discovered that someone else was commenting about the same thing. In her case, it was because she thought the POV character was rather self-absorbed and it took her a while to get over that hurdle.
For me, it was the circumstances under which I read Pride and Prejudice. We were supposed to read Pride and Prejudice for a book review, and due to shenanigans regarding reading arrangements, I ended up with only 2 weeks to finish the whole book. I didn't think it was a problem because I could speed read. But I had forgotten one major thing - Jane Austen wrote in the language of a different era, like damned Shakespeare.
So I got mired in the language until I was just so frustrated at having to muck my way through that I couldn't enjoy the story anymore. Only until I got to the end where the plot managed to lift itself above the language (or I got used to reading it) did I look up and go, "That was fun! I wanna go again! WHEEEEEEEE."
So what about the f-list? Did you need to reread your Jane Austen in order to fall in love with her stories? Tell me!
life is weird,
fuck yeah she's awesome,