May 15, 2006 08:30
Its amazing how people actually BELIEVE everything they read....who is this guy anyway?
by Arnold Ahlert
AT Gallaudet University, students and faculty have been protesting the selection of Jane K. Fernandes as president of the school - because she isn't deaf enough.
Gallaudet is one the nation's premier universities for deaf people - and Fernandes has been deaf her entire life. But apparently some deafness is "more equal than others" - and Fernandes didn't learn to "sign" until the age of 23. She preferred speaking - which, incredibly, is considered a liability.
One could expect such nonsense from students. But the faculty, much to its discredit, endorsed their mentality with a "no-confidence" vote.
It is bad enough that one must be deaf - regardless of other qualifications - to qualify for a job at a university that serves a deaf population. That one must also be a "certain kind" of deaf is absurd.