Nov 09, 2005 14:01
Last night I got the chance to check out “Charlie and the chocolate factory” since the movie came out on dvd tuesday. I have been a known Johnny Depp fanatic and absolutely loved the original version of the movie with gene (whateverhislastnameis). Of course I was excited to see the Tim Burton Rendition because I absolutely ADORE tim’s work. But this movie….JUST PLAIN SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the worst version of any remake I had ever seen, the dialogue was total crap and Johnny Depp probably suffered his worst acting stint EVER. Tim burton’s version is H O R R I B L E. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. I cannot even believe that I sat through the whole movie, though I did actually fall asleep at one point for about 5 or 10 minutes.
I’m actually pissed off that they ruined it. TIM BURTON- stick to batman.