Sep 27, 2010 22:55
The good news is that Ellie is recovering nicely from her op - in fact she's raring to go. She has to wait another couple of weeks to get the all-clear, then we'll have to build up her muscles gradually, but well before Christmas she'll be running on the beach and diving into the water.
The cellulitis cleared up, and I was able to go to Write Time, which was great. However, as Bluewold mentioned in her account, I came out in a dreadfully itchy rash; turned out I've developed a severe allergy to penicillan. The anti-histamines worked wonders and stopped the itching quickly, but the rash continued to develop from my neck to my feet.. It has now gone, but as a side effect I look as though I have a severe case of sunburn, with the top layer of skin starting to flake off.
Does anyone else admit to the guilty pleasure of seeing just how big a strip can be peeled off at any one time?
For some strange reason, my face was untouched. I was glad of that, as I felt quite enough of a freak as it was. However, my dippy cousin (who's a beautician) said this was a pity - I'd have to pay huge sums for a facial peel.
With good luck and a following wind it will be cleared up by GMOH next month. Let's hope all goes smoothly for that - especially the train journey.
fraying at the edges