Naokichi Collection Stuff

Feb 27, 2010 19:55

This is pretty much for my own future reference.  These are the current doujinshi I own by Naokichi versus the ones that are out that I don't have yet.  Ones in Italics are ones I'm not that interested in and may or may not get for the sake of collection.


赤い月 (Sebastian straddling "Smile" Ciel)
Fully Fully (Rabbit Sebastian hugging Alice Ciel)
その執事、変態~白く正しく美しく~ (Doctor Sebastian, Nurse Grell, and Patient Ciel)
macchiato (Ciel on couch, Sebastian behind putting a finger in Ciel's mouth; lots of scalloped eyelet)
メアリー (Sebastian holding Ciel, Ciel's arms wrapped around Sebastian's neck)
Milky (Trap Ciel on Tutor Sebastian's lap)
Alice in Wonder Underground (Ciel in gilded cage, Sebastian kissing Ciel's hand)
Secret Garden (Ciel's naked ass)
Black Cherry (closeup of Sebastian and Ciel looking at reader)
鬼畜モラリズム (Ciel lounging on a couch, Sebastian pouring tea, Lau leaning over couch)
Trick or Treat (Ciel on Sebastian's lap, Sebastian grabbing Ciel's crotch)
その執事、欲情 (Closeup of Sebastian and Ciel looking at reader, Sebastian smirking and Ciel scowling)
Love Slave (Ciel on Sebastian's lap, side view)
坊ちゃん大変です!~おにゃんこ編~ (Catboy Ciel messily eating cake, rear shot)
Humiliate me more Darlin (Closeup of Sebastian and Ciel looking at reader, Ciel's mouth is open)
殖 (Ran Mao kneeling)

Don't Have:

Re;Pink (Sebastian, Ciel, and plush bunny)
Picola (Full body of Alice Ciel, Rabbit Sebastian in the background)
秘密~Under the Rose~(Ciel sitting on a curtain, backview of Sebastian kneeling in front of him)
夢から醒めても (Ciel laying on a slab, Sebastian kneeling beside it)
Re;Black (Smile Ciel lounging on a couch, Sebastian rubbing Ciel's leg)
SPARK (yet another generic closeup, Ciel wearing a green cravat)
その執事、鬼畜~少年遊戯完全版~ (Black and white cover, Ciel taking Sebastian's hand)
その執事、魔性につき。 (Sebastian feeling up Ciel on a bed, Sebastian and Beast in background)
バスルーム (Ciel sitting on a tub, Sebastian kissing Ciel)
坊ちゃん大変です!マニアックス完全版 (Futanari Ciel wearing only panties)
Devil Blooms (All Sebastian)
赤執事 (All Grell)
坊ちゃん大変です!おにゃんこ感染編 (Cat Ciel and Cat Sebastian)
悪魔と坊ちゃんの新婚生活!~純白のマイロード~ (Ciel and Sebastian on wedding gear) *I've wanted this one for so long but it's extremely rare!*

Damn I didn't realize I only have, like, half the collection.  I feel like a crappy collector now.

But I'll be a good fan and plug her site!  She doesn't have any of her dirty stuff on there (that's all password protected), so don't be afraid!

I can see nekogonya rolling her eyes right now, even though she's happy she gets to mooch this stuff off of me.  Don't lie, bitch!

doujinshi, fail

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